Monday, June 14, 2010

on the road again...

Packing... unpacking... packing... unpacking... So seems to be the rhythm of my life as of late. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my life and I'm loving watching the pages of this new chapter of my life unfold in front of me, but wow, this is a lot of traveling, and hoping, and trusting, and wondering... Yet I still "know in my knower" that somehow He is going to take all of this and make it into something glorious so that He will be KNOWN among the nations

I got back a couple weeks ago from traveling to Virginia, Washington DC, and South Carolina... Now that I've actually downloaded the pics, I thought I'd share some of them with you...

This is the flag I left at "The Wall" also known as the Vietnam War Memorial... Why here? My dad came back, but many didn't. I'm as aware of this as I am of my big toe. I remember that my freedoms were paid for by someone else's sacrifice. I wanted to use my Memorial Day holiday to honor that sacrifice and not just to celebrate the unofficial beginning of the summer with another BBQ (mmm BBQ) So I left this flag in a spot without any other remembrances, to say my humble thank you.

1600 Penn Ave... one of the most famous address in the world. Pray for this man & his family, pray for those who work here... God may we truly be a nation that trusts you and not self...

Tomb of the Unknowns (Arlington Nat'l Cemetery) Little did I know when I took this pic the brouhaha that would erupt over this place. Yet still, this is a sacred spot. This is where you can begin to see the price this nation has paid for freedom. And it stirs my heart to know that we even remember to honor those who've served & paid the ultimate price, even if we don't know their name - God does

So there ya go... a few of my impressions of the Nation's capital and the monuments & memorials... take time to remember our history, it will prayerfully keep us from repeating their mistakes.

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