Friday, August 28, 2009

where to now?

Change is in the air. God is moving, and so am I - in more ways than one.

Some may know this, and some may not, but God has had me in a state of perpetual divine confusion since the summer of 2001. That was when I told Him, that no matter what (including my personal feelings), He came first. And my life has been crazy, wonderful, and full of change ever since. I've lived in 2 states, 10 homes, 3 countries, and 2 continents since then.

And I'm moving AGAIN - to a new part of Connecticut I've never lived in. But in moving there, I'm also preparing to go back overseas. Yep, God has stirred up my "itchy feet" and renewed my passion for seeing His Kingdom expanded to all cultures. I'm going to serve DCF-Africa in an administrative role supporting Ibrahim and Diane Omondi in their roles as the apostolic leaders.

I'm going to KENYA!!

I loved being there for my two week trip this past June/July, but I know I'm in for a lot more than I experienced then. But I felt just as "at home" there as I do here. I'm excited to know that I can serve God with my talents, and still feel like my life is making an impact globally.
DCF Africa is in a state of transformation, and it is a privilege to be a part of it. If you’d like to find out more about what’s going on in Kenya and the East Africa region, you can check out the DCF Africa website, or Springs of Africa, and there's the info on transformation.

As I've said before, let's embrace change - at least it keeps life interesting.