Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How it all started... (the short version)

Apparently I have new readers all the time (who'd a thunk it) and so it is for you that I write this post as to how in the world I ended up in Kenya. Apologies to anyone who knows the story - feel free to disregard this post, well that is unless you're really bored and want something to do, or you really love me so you'll go through this again... Anyway, on with the story

God really recaptured my heart in Aug 2001 and I dedicated my life to live according to His whims and not mine. It was at that time He birthed in my heart a call to foreign missions. I went on my first short-term trip in 2002 to Romania & fell in love with the country and people. After a lengthy process, I finally went on a long-term basis in April of 2006. I spent 6 months that year & 8 months the next. However I got to a point where I was asking God "Why am I here?" I felt purposeless & useless. Not a great place to be. The Father was kind enough to hear my desperation and put me out of my misery by shutting the door and sending me home to the States.

Once home, I had some time to heal and spent some more time in prayer trying to discern what had just happened. He revealed to me that I'd spent much of the last few months in my own strength doing what "I" thought was right & not using the gifts He'd given me. I had wrongly esteemed other gifts above my own. So I went back to work for my church as the office manager and back to using the gifts and talents I had. (I'm an administrator & I like lists)

After being back Stateside for a year, my mission organization (DMI) asked if I would lead a team to Kenya in June 2009. I willingly said yes. However a team didn't materialize and I decided to go on my own, as I'd missed being out of the USA. In March I was at the annual DMI Mission Fest & met up with Diane at the Ladies Tea. I told her that I'd be coming on my own & that I'd do whatever was most helpful for her, even if it meant doing office work. She got very excited at that prospect, and as I would find out shortly her mind went to work.

Apparently she went back that afternoon and began talking about this with Ibrahim. He, being a former journalist, decided to do a little investigating about me. Later that week during the DOVE Int'l leadership conference we had lunch and all of this came out. The conversation ended with the Omondi's asking if I would be willing to come to Kenya long term as an administrative assistant to Diane. I was blown away. Here I was being given the opportunity to use my gifts on an international level. This was my dream! I wanted to say yes immediately, but decided to wait and see.

The 2 week trip in June/July 2009 went well and I decided to approach my pastor/boss with the news and ask for his input. He prayed and told me I should do what was in my heart. I then sought the approval of the DMI board and received that in Sept.

So, here I am in November of 2010 after a year of support raising in Nairobi, Kenya. I work with Diane and so far my duties primarily consist of the "busy" work. I do newsletters for the 3 main ministries they are involved in - DOVE Missions Africa, Springs of Africa, and DCF Africa. Soon I'll be learning how to update, upgrade, and maintain the websites as well.

Life on God's terms is pretty crazy, but I wouldn't live it any other way.

1 comment:

Beth said...

This is awesome.

I love what you said about esteeming certain gifts above others. God gave us our individual gifts for a reason, and it's easy to forget that.