Tuesday, August 16, 2011

VBS adventures

So last week you may have noticed that a blog was not forthcoming - I was slightly busy.  It was VBS week at DCF Kawangware.  So instead of sending you a blogpost, I was occupied teaching approximately 80 children to put on the full armor of God.  How amazing to see all these little ones learn these verses all week.  Some of you may have seen the FaceBook pictures that got posted.  Some accompany this post, but if you want to see them all, you can check them out here. (And believe me you do, there are some very precious little faces!)
Each day, there was a focus on one piece of armor with a big idea and a key verse - Belt of Truth, John 14:6; Breastplate of Righteousness, Psalm 119:11; Shoes of Peace, Romans 10:15b; Shield of Faith, Romans 10:17; and on Friday we combined the Sword of the Spirit and the Helmet of Salvation with 2 Corinthians 10:4.  The lead scripture for the week was Ephesians 6:11.  I was wonderfully amazed at how many children learned all six verses!  Guess there’s something to be said for the Kenyan education system of learning by rote.
Please allow me to brag on our volunteers for a paragraph.  The week could not have gone off as smoothly without them.  We had people from our church, various DOVE churches around Kenya, and even some Americans!  I love that people gave of their time, energy and talent to see the Word of God imparted into the hearts and lives of the next generation.  I pray that even if they learned the scriptures by memory, the truth goes deep into their hearts and that they KNOW they are equipped by God to stand & fight against the schemes of the enemy - even as children.
This week is the DOVE Africa Apostolic Leaders training, and then I get to take a few days off. Yay!  Wonder what kind of trouble adventure I can find?

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