Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm okay, really...

Nope, not dead. Just didn't blog on Monday & then I went to upload a video blog yesterday & it ate all my internet credit... So, suffice it to say we're down to Wednesday 'til you get a blog posting.

What've you missed? Not much. Sunday was church, which is great (even when I have no idea what I'm singing about). To watch these people worship with their WHOLE selves is so contagious. And then the word was about our maturity being defined by our fruitfulness. Hmm, makes you stop & think. Am I fruitful? Am I mature? If not, why not? Good word!

Then Monday was staff meeting @ the DCF Africa office, not so interesting for outsiders. Really, I promise. We prayed, discussed, made action plans... that's it. Then I worked on some projects on the laptop while Diane was in a couple of other meetings, & we came home. Of course we couldn't come directly home, we stopped @ Karen Crossroads and went into the FOREX (exchange bureau) & the small "Muzungu" store for some minced beef (hamburger). Then we split the chore list & I went into Nakumatt for a couple of things and Diane went to another bank. BUT at the provisions store, we got BANJI! They are some of the most delicious things ever! Just potatoes, but they are dipped into some kind of Indian spiced batter deliciousness... They could become a problem...

When we got home, I took a couple of Tylenol & laid down to get rid of a headache... and that was pretty much Monday.

Tuesday, I pretty much just worked on the laptop, and met with Diane to go over deadlines, due dates, and things coming up... And of course the failed video blog upload..

So there you go. Such is my life, not so interesting for me, but maybe for you.

And if you have questions, comments, or suggestions - let me know! Leave them in the comment section & if you don't have a google account, log in as anonymous & just leave your name @ the bottom.

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